BISS. GCH. Desert Winds Moroccan Sand "Jake" |

Desert Winds All Eyes On Me "Bailey" |

Desert Winds Whoz Your Daddy "Faith"
Lives in Bridgeton NJ |

CH. Desert Winds California Gold Nugget "Tanner" |

CH. Desert Winds Eight Second Ride "Bronco" |

New Champion
CH. Desert Winds Mojo of Margaritaville
Lives in Los Angeles
Owned and Loved by Kathryn Mejia |

New Canadian and American Champion
CAN.AM.CH. Desert Winds Unintended Consequences JH
Lives in Hayden, Idaho
Owned and loved by Gigi and Bob Grant

New Champion
CH. Desert Winds High Dzrt Diva
"Sissy" |

Desert Winds "Mojo" of Margaritaville

Desert Winds Taquila Sunrise "Dusty"

Desert Winds No Peaches for You "Peaches"
Owned by Valerie and Richard Settle, San Diego, Ca. |

Cal-I-Co's Dzrt Wnds Calif. Gold "Tanner"
Lives in Anza Ca |
~In Loving Memory~

CH. Desert Winds Storms A Bru'n "Stormy" |

Chesabars Desert Sands "Chezzy" |

Desert Winds Southern Wishes "Moose" |
Chesabars Desert Winds Dakota "Dakota" |

Desert Winds Fearless |

Desert Winds Storms Angel "Tasha" |

CH Chesabars Morgan of Dzrt Wnds "Morgan" |

CH. Desert Winds She's a Keeper "Lacey" |

CH. Caledonias's Dzrt Wnds Alexis "Ali"

Desert Winds Summer Sunset "Summer" |

CH. Chesabar's Dzrt Wnds Tuk'R Two "TJ" |

CH. Desert Winds Against All Odds "Bella" |

Desert Winds Wishes Come Tru "Mariah" |